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Type of Submissions:
LEAD-2024 invites academicians, research scholars, and corporate/industry executives to submit Full paper (Research Paper (Qualitative / Quantitative/ Mixed Methods), Literature Review, Case Study, Conceptual paper, Tools demo paper). Authors wishing to submit multiple papers will have to do separately.

Author Guidelines:
All papers must be original and not previously submitted for any other conference or journal. Authors must follow the ICIS 2024 Format while preparing their manuscript. Manuscript must have a minimum of 5000 words, excluding abstract and reference list. The similarity of the text must not exceed 10% (including similarity in literature review). Authors should mention the name of the track to which they are submitting their work.

Review Process:

Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process based on relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. Authors will be notified of revision/ acceptance/ rejection by the specified deadline.


After creating a submission entry, the extended abstract should be submitted through the 'Upload File' option on the home page by using the 'Submission ID' and Password generated through the submission. 


General Information
Author 1
Author 2
Author 3
Contact Author
Author who will serve as the point of contact for correspondence about the submission.
Alternate contact information, such as personal email address or telephone number; used only if unable to contact using above email address.
Topic Areas
To help match submissions to reviewers and sessions, please select the area(s) most applicable to your submission

Please enter a password you will remember. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of this form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to this submission.

Please check over your entries, making sure everything is filled out. When ready, click on the Make Submission button below once.

The confirmation email will be sent to:


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